Monday, August 6, 2012


Whoa, it's been like, what? A year? *sweeps away some dust bunnies*

Anyway, what sent me back here is because I kept the link to this blog on my fav tabs. And when it's time to do some cleaning up (a year due, mind you) I clicked the link and the bloggeh is still alive! Wae..??

I've been considering to shut it down, yea know, like for good. But what the heck, I just couldn't let go. (and it's also becuz I have no idea howsoever to delete this thing). Whaa..?


So updates?

Hmm, currently at Mawar, doing intersession. I'm supposed to be studying now for my upcoming test (tomorrow!) and look, I'm reviving my long-dead blog instead. Grr..

Alryte then. I'm intending to revamp the blog (intending being the operational word) and we'll see how it goes. It'll be slow but hey, at least it's alive, ne?

So here goes nothing. Till next time!

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